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  • 1.  Can Material generate a key signal

    Posted 05-20-2024 16:01

    Hello all...  Not sure how to explain this correctly.

    We get our credits roll as a video clip (IT HAS NO KEY SIGNAL EMBEDDED); it's just white text over black; which I import into XPression. Our TD then takes XP (playing credits clip) and creates a linear key (in the switcher) so that he can key credits over camera.

    I was thinking why can't XPression do this.  I made a new material with the video clip referenced. Changed the Blending Mode for Layer1 (in the material) to "Additive (Linear Dodge). This did make my white text keyable on my canvas; but when I put that scene to output the white text was not keyable. It was only keyable on my canvas.

    I'm not sure 100% why this wouldn't work. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 2.  RE: Can Material generate a key signal

    Posted 05-20-2024 21:32

    Easiest might be to do it when importing in the Coder app?  Set the alpha source to be the same as the fill, since it's white over black and then output as a 32bit avi?


  • 3.  RE: Can Material generate a key signal

    Posted 06-24-2024 13:23

    Thanks Paul; your suggestion did work perfectly.

    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 4.  RE: Can Material generate a key signal

    Posted 05-21-2024 01:19

    Could you us it as the source of a mask? You could apply it to a mask layer and it would "cut the hole" for your credit roll.Following this one

    Malcolm Thorpe
    xpression design
    Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD

  • 5.  RE: Can Material generate a key signal

    Posted 06-24-2024 13:25

    Hi Malcolm, that's a great idea. I look forward to trying it in the future.

    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States