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  • 1.  Change Datalinqs to Static Text Ignores Font Tags

    Posted 04-01-2024 15:47

    I am using Datalinq to fill out all my Lower 3rds. Some fields in the spreadsheet already have font tags typed with them. Which works fine.

    For example:  "The term {720}veganism{719} was coined..."  Which makes "veganism" italic.

    But in some cases I have to Change Datalinqs to Static Text. When I do this the font tags disappear and I have to retype the font tags into my template data in the sequencer.

    Is this, by chance, a setting I don't have toggled correctly; that will also bring Font Tags with the static text?


    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 2.  RE: Change Datalinqs to Static Text Ignores Font Tags

    Posted 04-01-2024 17:53

    Upon digging further, I think I found my answer... I'm working In v10.7 build 5640 beta (64 bit) 

    There is a checkmark to "Disable Font Tag Parser" in the Datalinq dialogue window.  Though it will not change my text to italic while connected to the datalinq (just shows the font tags as text {720}); it will change it correctly once I Change Datalinqs To Static Text.  Which will work for me. 


    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States