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Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

  • 1.  Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-10-2023 09:03

    I'm wondering if there is an easy way to change the duration of a graphic from the sequencer in Xpression? And if not, Is there a reason why this isn't a feature?

    I know that you can go in and adjust the playout speed of a graphic under the "take inspector" (which changes the speed of the transitions too, which I don't want), or you can dive into the layout and change the length of a pause animation (but I'd have to advance the graphic manually, which I also don't want), but is there really no way to simply adjust the overall duration that a graphic stays on screen from the sequencer?

    I want to trigger a graphic, then have it play a determined length, and animate off screen without me triggering the out animation manually. I move on to other graphics in the story and don't want to have to go back and take it out and lose my spot in the running order.

    The duration of this graphic needs to change with every story that we do, it is not consistent and is often not timed exactly (every 5 seconds, 10, etc.) Aside from building a whole slew of templates that have different timed pause animations (or set scene director lengths), or putting graphics into a group and timing that (which only a few of the graphics are timed, most are not meant to be timed), or writing a complicated script/visual logic for each graphic, is there not just an easy way to adjust how long the overall duration of a graphic is on screen from the sequencer?

    Apologies if there is an easy way to do this and I am just not seeing it, or if there is a reason why this feature can't be implemented due to the operation of the graphics, I have just seen this in other software and am kind of puzzled why it isn't a feature in Xpression.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Jonah Applegarth
    Graphics Operator
    Straight Arrow News

  • 2.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-10-2023 10:32

    Just going to shoot off the hip here without trying to do a practical test ...

    An invisible published text area that determines the seconds/frames. Following 30 frames or 1 frame or a pause event is a script that jumps the scene back and decrements the published text till it hits zero and lets it play through.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 3.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-10-2023 12:02

    So I take it that there isn't a feature that I have missed, it would have to be done as a work-around in scripting or VL?

    I can cue the graphics manually, I'm just kind of surprised that Xpression doesn't have this as a standard feature since I have seen it in other, much less robust graphics programs.

    Jonah Applegarth
    Graphics Operator
    Straight Arrow News

  • 4.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-10-2023 15:35

    To my knowledge that is the solution.

    However, there might be a non-obvious feature. Can't say there isn't.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 5.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-11-2023 05:06

    You can put the scene in a group - just that scene or with other scenes - I gues you want to play it anyway automaticly with other scenes.

    Then set the group on timed / item timing : Item Duration - when finished offline.

    Then in the scene itself under Scene Control hook the playrange and you can tell how many frames it should play

    There are other ways too but no need since that is so easy.

    Just be aware if there are other scenes in the group you want to play they have to be on the same framebuffer and layer to take each other offline. If different layer etc. are wanted you can use a dhort empty scene in between to take them offline. If you want to just play one scene in a group that take offline at the end in the settings is enough.

    Kind regards

    Nicole Schindeldecker

  • 6.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-11-2023 05:18

    I just red you want to manualy continue - in my suggestion you have different groups and sometimes you want the rundown all in one group together. The one thing that would be great some day is groups within groups. Then a way for that is too script it. Yes with a hidden text what is published where you give in the frames etc. and then you can set the position off the offline via script or proppably some other ways. What I once did was a very siple way - I had times that been known in advance like 5 options 1 sec /2 sec... there I just put the offline on different tracks and turned via script the tracks on and off - so many different ways there. But maybe somebody else has something super simple there in mind - sometimes you do not see the forest with all that trees in the way. Greetings Nicole

    Nicole Schindeldecker

  • 7.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-13-2023 05:03

    what about group timed advance manually? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 8.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-14-2023 08:45

    Thank you all for the suggestions! I figured there would be a way to accomplish this through scripting or VL, and the group thing might work, it just seems a bit cumbersome when a simple "drag to adjust clip duration" feature would be much faster and easier, especially for an operator who needs to adjust the timing for individual graphics on the fly.

    Jonah Applegarth
    Graphics Operator
    Straight Arrow News

  • 9.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:12

    I can see how this could be an option as long as you were using Transition Logic otherwise it would be hard to determine where exactly the extra frames should be added or taken away from. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 10.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-15-2023 06:34

    Hmmm, yeah that is a good point, I am curious now as to how that function works in other graphics software. We just recently made the switch to Xpression from, and they have a "timer" field on their sequencer side, which adjusts the overall duration of the graphic, ( so I'm wondering if they are just adding frames in the middle? Or maybe have it set up so that it ignores the transitions somehow?

    Jonah Applegarth
    Graphics Operator
    Straight Arrow News

  • 11.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-15-2023 06:43

    That video was useful. 

    Yeah it could either be built with IN/OUT with T logic with a timer.

    Or if it was a single Scene Diurector it would be like the pause setting on the event item on a sequence was published. 

    You can build what you want with a timer block in visual logic and a text box for entry but currently, this isn't a feature of XPression although I can see how it would be useful and how we would achieve it theoretically. 

    The devs would have to comment about how much real work it would take to add it, I cannot speak for them :)

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 12.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-15-2023 07:52

    Looking into Singualr they only have preset animations that you can adjust the curves and times on so it's much simpler for them to have this timer feature versus XPression which has completely customizable keyframe animations. 

    Not to say we shouldn't consider something along these lines, just that its simpler when you only have presets. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 13.  RE: Change graphic duration from the Xpression sequencer

    Posted 11-16-2023 07:53

    Ah, I see. Yeah that makes sense. Thank you very much for looking into it!

    Jonah Applegarth
    Graphics Operator
    Straight Arrow News