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  • 1.  DataLinq data formatting

    Posted 03-19-2024 21:18

    I have a datalinq URL from our NewsTicker that is not quite organized the way I'd like it to be, and I'm curious if there is a way (without changing the structure of the file generated from our NewsTicker) to clean it up.  I'd like for each game to be in its own column, so that I can select the home team and have the rest of the info populate automatically in a scoreboard.  Is this possible??

    Aaron Rice

  • 2.  RE: DataLinq data formatting

    Posted 03-24-2024 23:47

    Hi Aaron!

    You could look into using an XSLT file, essentially a transformation file that can be in-between the XML and the input into XPression, to transform the data as you'd like. This is supported by Datalinq within the RSS/HTTP Datalinq source.

    That said; what you want to achieve looks like it could be doable without having to write up that file. You can have XPression run selection logic against the data by using something like this in the column for your datalinq'd text. Each datalinq would have a different ending, but would have the same beginning:
    (And forgive me, that's off the top of my head). We're telling XPression to look in Data, and find me the "sports" element, where "forced_home_team" equals the text that's currently typed into a text object called HomeTeam. Then, inside of that object, find the home_score.

    Zachary Fradette
    United States

  • 3.  RE: DataLinq data formatting

    Posted 03-26-2024 22:34

    Thanks for that suggestion!  I'm going to have to play with that.  The feed changes what games are in it on a daily basis, and my goal would be for our sports team to pick a game out of a dropdown list that changes based on what is available in that feed (or enter manually).  That would automatically fill in the score, visiting team, and game status on the graphic and update automatically.  I'm not sure how I'd tie everything together based on one field out of that that possible without structuring it into a table?

    Aaron Rice

  • 4.  RE: DataLinq data formatting

    Posted 03-27-2024 16:08

    Ah, that would be nice to do, but unfortunately no way to currently do that with the data coming in as a tree structure (XML or JSON). We can only use the User Input Select lists with a Datalinq'd table such as an Excel file or SQL Database (even if we've translated the xml via XSLT). You can do it where they type in the team, just wouldn't be able to dynamically load in the list.

    Zachary Fradette
    United States

  • 5.  RE: DataLinq data formatting

    Posted 11-09-2024 15:18

    Hey Aaron, did you ever work this out?

    James Hessler