You can do math with Datalinq Keys by encapsulating your statement in <> brackets. So you'd enter <%ROW1%+1> for your ROW2 Datalinq Key, <%ROW1+2> for ROW2 Datalinq Key, etc. You can also just have a single Datalinq Key that's your ROW1, then do that same math in the Datalinq settings for the specific text objects.
If you add the XPression device in Dashboard as RossTalkEX, there is a SetDataLinq command available. 
Jeff Mayer
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2024 14:06
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Key and Datalinq
Is it possible to link several Datalinq Keys ?
I have Datalinq Keys ROW1 ROW2 ROW3 ROW4 and ROW5
ROW1 = 1 and I want ROW2=ROW1+1 ROW3=ROW1+2 ROW4=ROW1+3 and ROW5=ROW1+4
And is it possible to link ROW1 to a Widget or a DashBoard ?
Karim Lakehal
Paris France