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  • 1.  Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 04:21

    I have some quad objects in my scene, which are connected to Datalinq to change their textures. My Datalinq contains a macro (@TableName@). Everything works fine but when I try to make them static, the macro uses the default text from the textobject "Tablename" and does not use the text entered in the sequence. This only happens for the textures. All my other textobjects in the scene are made static correctly.

    Any Ideas?

    Bernhard Aschenwald
    Servus TV
    Red Bull Media House

  • 2.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 05:06

    Have you got requery ticked on your text objects connected to data that are being used for the macro? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 05:15

    For my dynamic text objects with datalinq, the Requery is set to No. I guess thats why the text objects work correctly. But for my quad objects with the dynamic texture, I don`t have this option.

    My text object with the TableName (which is connected to the macro) is a public static text.

    Bernhard Aschenwald
    Servus TV
    Red Bull Media House

  • 4.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 05:33

    Any text that is ending up in a @macro@ that is coming from datalinq should be set to requrey. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 05:34

    Wait so I understand the material is a direct datalinq that uses a text macro? 

    Have you tried connecting the datalinq to a text object, I assume its a path? 

    Then use that as a macro to complete the dynamic material, which will probably give you the behaviour you require when changing to static.

    My guess is when you change the material to static it reverts to its default material. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 6.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-06-2024 06:24

    I have about 100 images in my scene. So i would have to assign the Path and Filename of all my images to a 100 text objects via datalinq and then connect that to my images via dynamic material? That's a weird workaround. Since my macro only has 4 different options, I will make a fix assignment and duplicate my scene 4 times for my 4 data tables. That solves the problem.

    But the fact, that the macro reverts to default on Datalinq materials when making the scene static, seems like a bug to me.

    Bernhard Aschenwald
    Servus TV
    Red Bull Media House

  • 7.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 05:46
    This is the Datalinq of my quad object. The Table uses @Klasse@ which is linked to my static text object. And this reverts to the default, when making static.
    And this is the Datalinq of my other text objects, using the same macro. They work fine, when making static.

    Bernhard Aschenwald
    Servus TV
    Red Bull Media House

  • 8.  RE: Error making a dynamic Datalinq texture static

    Posted 03-05-2024 12:24

    Perhaps try the method I suggested? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom