Hi Ronen
It's a bug. I have an open ticket with support re this. When we upgraded to V11 our scripts using the following snippet did exactly as you described. Worked fine in 10.5. I asked again in late March 24 and the bug still remains.
Dim takeItem as xpTakeItem
if (Engine.Sequencer.GetTakeItemByID(314501,takeItem)) then
end if
A workaround is to setup a GPI/Tally board in hardware setup menu to send GPI's back to the same computer.
Configure the smart GPI to us UDP, outgoing Network Settings hostname: and default port 7788.
dim localGPI as xpGPIBoard
if (Engine.GetGPIBoard(0,localGPI)) then
localGPI.SendMessage("TAKE 1234")
end if
Hope that helps!
Shane Herbert
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 18:55
From: Ronen Lasry
Subject: executing on a TakeItemGroup with playout mode (to loop play) pauses xpression
Hi there,
I am trying to properly trigger a item group to start playing with a playout mode = Timed
from another item in the sequencer (item #13)
Ronen Lasry
Los Angeles United States