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  • 1.  Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:11

    I have a fun question for the group today.  I want the ability to take a scene from sequence side, and put it back into another scene. - Think Render View, but think about it with published information getting changed. 

    In my case, I have a wipe that has been created by an animator.  We want to have a control scene that sets that images and the text for the scene.  Then we want a second scene that will take all of that information and have the animation on it. - But I want the ability to change the name on sequence side, and therefore have about 10 different options during a given show.

    So if there are 10 options, there would then be 20 take items.  10 that are just static and setting the parameters of the scene, and another set of 10 that are the animating scene calling on, what I guess would be something along the lines of getting a specific take item.


    Garrett Hall
    Overtime Elite

  • 2.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:20

    Data Pages?

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:27

    Yes.......I guess.

    Garrett Hall
    Overtime Elite

  • 4.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:28

    I should have explained more, there is an XPression feature called data pages. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:40

    Yeah, talking with someone, I do not think what I am asking about is possible.

    Garrett Hall
    Overtime Elite

  • 6.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:44

    It doesn't sound impossible unless I am not understanding. 

    Data Pages can be played and they send the data from their pages to the related scene using the same object names. 

    If not doesn't work then a script that runs on the onOnline of wipe scene and looks at the take item published field data and copies it might be possible. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 7.  RE: Existing Scene Back Into Another Scene

    Posted 10-25-2023 11:33

    If you want to render the actual Sequencer's output back into a scene, then you need the Clip Server option and then use the Server Channel Material Shader feature.