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  • 1.  Getting Live Data From a Website

    Posted 01-21-2024 10:45

    Hello I am using Xpression for a college and they use Genius Sports for live stats. I just need some way to get those live stats into Datalinq. I have tried just putting the link from the stats website into the http/rss source but it doesn't work. I was also thinking an excel sheet could pull from it but when we have to use the legacy sharing feature those type of data inputs aren't allowed. Has anyone had to do thi with Genius Sports/NCAA stats software? I am just not sure how to do this. Thank you! 

    Nathaniel Rudolph
    Xpression Graphics Operator

  • 2.  RE: Getting Live Data From a Website

    Posted 01-21-2024 15:23

    Yeah I have used Genius. 

    Usually its an xml saved locally as a file so you should use xml. 

    I do think newer installs use streaming so that would be rss / http. Do you have a login for the stats because you'll need to enter those in datalinq as well. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Getting Live Data From a Website

    Posted 01-22-2024 11:03

    This is a possible method with scripting. This is from a work in progress so it is a bit messy with commented out lines. It is fetching XML from a local server in the "onprepare" event. I'm not going to try to explain it right now since I am busy, but sometimes all someone needs is an example.

    Dim fetcher as Object
    Dim arr as Object
    Dim rotx as Double
    fetcher = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")"GET","",false)
    'fetcher.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache, must-revalidate")
    Dim Cam as xpBaseObject
      arr = fetcher.responseXML.SelectNodes("//axis[@name='rotx']")
    	Dim c as Object
    	Engine.WriteToLog("Do Loop")
    	For Each c In arr
    	  'If c.getAttribute("name") And c.getAttribute("calc") Then
    			Engine.WriteToLog("RotX--" & c.getAttribute("calc"))
    			Engine.WriteToLog("RotX" & Cam.RotX)
    		'End If
    Catch oops as Exception
    End Try
    fetcher = Nothing

    You can do JSON also and put the script in a loop instead if you wanted.

    Note the commented out lines for caching. The no-caching headers NEED to come from the server. If those headers are NOT in the data then the data will NOT change from the initial request. That was a painful learning experience.

    Hope this is helpful or inspirational!

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 4.  RE: Getting Live Data From a Website

    Posted 01-22-2024 16:11

    XPression Datalinq can get data from Genius in 3 ways:

    • Genius Live Stream - uses the "Genius Live Steam Datalinq Soure" and a Genius Live Stream URL (requires XPN v11.5), needs a Genius API key
    • Genius InArena over TCP - uses the "Genius Sports InArena over TCP Datalinq Source" (requires XPN v11.5), needs the NCAA Livestats application
    • Genius InArena over XML - uses the "XML Linq" Datalinq Source (all XPression versions), needs Genius InArena utility configured to output an XML file

    You can't pull directly from the Genius stats website using the RSS/HTTP datalinq source.

    Overall, usually using the Genius data over XML is usually the easiest and most common way. You could trying asking someone for the "Statcrew" XML solution.