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Is there any very convenient way to use visual logic compare two text and export result?

  • 1.  Is there any very convenient way to use visual logic compare two text and export result?

    Posted 01-30-2024 17:39

    Hi everyone,

    I'd like to ask a stupid question, is there any very convenient way to compare two text and export result?

    for example, I have one text with 5 list content, when I choose each option I want to show different color, here is what I doing now.

    My question is if I have 50 or more option in text list, it's very complicated and system loading will be very heavy, is there any way can do that? Thanks for answering the questions!

    Faber Shen

  • 2.  RE: Is there any very convenient way to use visual logic compare two text and export result?

    Posted 01-30-2024 17:46

    Sounds like you want to script a selectcase. 

    This is just an example, let me know if you need help with making it do things for XPression. 

    Dim dayOfWeek
    dayOfWeek = "Monday" ' You can change this value to test different cases

    Select Case dayOfWeek
        Case "Monday"
            WScript.Echo "It's the start of the week."
        Case "Tuesday"
            WScript.Echo "It's the second day of the week."
        Case "Wednesday"
            WScript.Echo "It's the middle of the week."
        Case "Thursday"
            WScript.Echo "It's almost Friday!"
        Case "Friday"
            WScript.Echo "It's the end of the workweek."
        Case "Saturday", "Sunday"
            WScript.Echo "It's the weekend!"
        Case Else
            WScript.Echo "Invalid day of the week."
    End Select

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom