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  • 1.  It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-18-2023 16:23

    Hello everyone,

    It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    For example, If I have a text Boundingbox.Right visual logic control quad position, when I type in 10 words and take it online will move quad Position.X from 0 to 100, and second same scene type in 6 words take it online I want quad move from 100 to 60, it's possible?

    Faber Shen

  • 2.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-18-2023 18:29

    You can do most of it with visual logic but one thing you can't do is get a value from another scene.

    You need to read the value from the online scene and compare it to your current one then calculate the delta to multiply a null object usually animated between 0 and 1 to the property you want to see visually animate. 

    Scripting and or data pages are the only methods I can think of that can communicate between scenes that I can think of.

    If you are OK with trying some scripting I can probably help you.

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-19-2023 09:16

    Thank you Simon!

    I dont't really know about scripting thing, but I willing spending time learn how to get there.

    thanks again!

    Faber Shen

  • 4.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-19-2023 09:27

    When I get a moment I'll find you an example project. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-20-2023 06:57
      |   view attached

    Hi all!
    Faber look the attached project

    Roman Yaroshenko
    chief specialist
    Moscow Russian Federation


    TestObj_201023.xpf   44 KB 1 version

  • 6.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-20-2023 10:15
      |   view attached

    Nice one @Roman Yaroshenko

    Here's my take on it, used Visual Logic and a bit less scripting but there is still scripting needed. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom


  • 7.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-20-2023 10:37

    Thank you @Simon Redmile

    That's more than I wanted to do. Maybe it's good for the election.

    can you explain a little bit how it works?

    Thanks again!

    Faber Shen

  • 8.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-20-2023 10:33

    Thank you @Roman Yaroshenko

    That's look so cool! can you explain a little bit how it works?

    Thanks again!

    Faber Shen

  • 9.  RE: It's possible back to back quad position animation with visual logic?

    Posted 10-20-2023 11:48

    It has two engines. One of them sets in a Scene Scripts Events OnBeforOnLine

    Dim output As xpOutputFrameBuffer
    Dim onlinescene As xpScene
    Dim onlineodj, hide As xpBaseObject
    Dim PlayOn As Boolean = True
    self.GetObjectByName("HideObj", hide) 'get a hidden object from this scene
    engine.GetOutputFrameBuffer(FramebufferIndex, output) 'gets the framebuffer of this scene
    If output.GetSceneOnLayer(Layer, onlinescene) Then 'checking if any takeitem is online on a layer of this scene
         If onlinescene.Name = self.Name Then 'checking if the name of the online takeitem matches the name of this scene
               onlinescene.GetObjectByName("Quad1", onlineodj) 'gets the moving quad from the takeitem of the online  scene
               hide.PosX = onlineodj.PosX 'sets position X of the hidden object as position X of the moving quad in the online takeitem of this scene
               PlayOn = False 
         End If
    End If
    If PlayOn Then
          hide.PosX = 0 'if no takeitem of this scene is online it sets position x 0 for the hidden object
    End If

    And the over is a Visual Logic 

    Roman Yaroshenko
    chief specialist
    Moscow Russian Federation