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  • 1.  Laid off - possible to get a copy of XPression 9 to stay active

    Posted 04-12-2024 21:02


    Recently laid off as the media industry continues to hit hard. While there are some surprisingly good opportunities here and there, I can't really stay current or showcase anything without a copy of XPression. Is there a way to obtain a short term license (version 9 would certainly get me by), or at some kind of freelancer price? Just trying to figure out how to show off my work and not let any rust build up. Any Ross contact info would be most appreciated

    Chris Jordan
    Motion Graphic Designer (formerly NBCUniversal) 
    Currently seeking opportunities
    Los Angeles area, United States

  • 2.  RE: Laid off - possible to get a copy of XPression 9 to stay active

    Posted 04-16-2024 05:51

    Absolutely, @Patrick Twomey can point you in the right direction. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom