Hi Dan,
I think this is possible. Below is a similar panel in which the widget selection changes as per the selected parameter and vice-versa.
In the panel below, we make use of the "onchange"
and "onload"
handlers. Here, in the first ogscript block, upon loading or changing, we check the value of "Selection_OID" which is the parameter with the text input and set this value to the Selectable so that whenever we change the value of the Selection_OID, we automatically update the selected constraint. Similarly in the next ogscript block, when we change the selected constraint, we update the Selection_OID accordingly so that both the parameters have the same value.
In your case, you can use a similar ogscript onload and onchange handler which updates the widget parameters as per the Device's data sources.
<abs contexttype="opengear" style="">
<param access="1" constraint="0.0;100.0;0.0;100.0;1" constrainttype="INT_STEP_RANGE" name="Selection" oid="Selection" precision="0" type="INT32" value="10" widget="spinner"/>
<widgetdescriptor id="com.rossvideo.sel.sample">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Selection OID" oid="Selection_OID" type="STRING" value="" widget="text"/>
<param access="1" constrainttype="INT_CHOICE" name="Selectable" oid="Selectable" precision="0" type="INT32" value="-1" widget="radio-toggle">
<constraint key="0"/>
<constraint key="1"/>
<constraint key="2"/>
<constraint key="3"/>
<constraint key="4"/>
<constraint key="5"/>
<constraint key="6"/>
<constraint key="7"/>
<constraint key="8"/>
<constraint key="9"/>
<constraint key="10"/>
<ogscript handles="onchange,onload" oid="%value[Selection_OID][0]%" skip="%eval[params.getValue('Selection_OID', 0) == '' ? 'true' : ' false']%">var selectionOID = params.getValue('Selection_OID', 0);
if (selectionOID != null)
var selectionValue = params.getValue(selectionOID, 0);
if (selectionValue != null && selectionValue != params.getValue('Selectable', 0))
params.setValue('Selectable', 0, selectionValue);
<ogscript handles="onchange" oid="Selectable" skip="%eval[params.getValue('Selection_OID', 0) == '' ? 'true' : ' false']%">var selectionOID = params.getValue('Selection_OID', 0);
if (selectionOID != null)
var selectionValue = params.getValue(selectionOID, 0);
if (selectionValue != null && selectionValue != params.getValue('Selectable', 0))
params.setValue(selectionOID, 0, params.getValue('Selectable', 0));
<flow bottom="0" horizontalfill="true" left="0" right="0" top="0" verticalfill="true">
<param expand="true" height="100" oid="Selectable" style="style:toggleButton" width="100"/>
<param expand="true" height="106" left="4" oid="Selection" top="4" width="124"/>
<widget height="349" left="16" top="126" widgetid="com.rossvideo.sel.sample" width="425">
<param oid="Selection_OID" value="Selection"/>
I hope this helps! If it doesn't, feel free to reach out and attach the panel if possible.
Best Regards,
Altaz Daruwala
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 11-30-2023 12:06
From: Dan West
Subject: OnChange Handles in Widget
I am trying to build a widget that reacts when a parameter on it's device Data Source changes. I have built a simple panel that functions, but when converting it to a widget I am unsure where to put the object ID of the device, and not sure where to put ogscript handles tag. Especially as I also want to pull from the parameter which is an array, but that parameter be selectable on a per widget basis
Is this possible or will I need to create a different trigger for events?
Dan West