Thank you for your help! I look forward to implementing this into our workflows and appreciate your advice!
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2024 17:15
From: Garner Millward
Subject: Pause an XPression Group from DashBoard using RossTalk
Yes, it's just kinda tricky.
1. Create a Script Macro in the XPression Keyboard/GPI map:
2. In the script:
dim group as xpTakeItemGroup
Engine.Sequencer.GetGroupByName("TriggerGroup", group) 'name of the group here
You can also use:
3. Assign a RossTalk GPI # to the Macro in the "GPI column"
4. Trigger the Script Macro by using the RossTalk GPI # command.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2024 15:07
From: Ethan Levy
Subject: Pause an XPression Group from DashBoard using RossTalk
Hi there --
I have a group in XPression that consists of several full-screen graphics. The group is set to Timed Playout Mode, and it repeats when done, so it's essentially a looping group of graphics with each being on screen for some time before advancing to the next one. I was wondering if there's any way to send a PAUSE command from DashBoard, in the same way that you can send a TAKE command to bring the group online. I know you can right click on the group in XPression and select Pause Group, but am looking to create a DashBoard button that can recreate that and was wondering if it was possible.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
Ethan Levy
Graphics Operator