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  • 1.  Pushing an updated project to live engines

    Posted 01-07-2025 11:51

    We use an XPression system in the live production environment. Graphics are created in a newsroom computer system (ENPS) and loaded via MOS into engines through Overdrive. When I make a change (typically adding a new scene) to that existing project, then publish to server, it shows up in ENPS (the MOS editor plugin) and objects can be created. But the only way to load them on the live engines is to completely restart both the gateway and the engines themselves. Is there another (better) approach or is this the only way?

    Kenny Meade

  • 2.  RE: Pushing an updated project to live engines

    Posted 01-07-2025 13:10

    The correct way is to use the XPression Rundown Controller (free unlicensed software) or XPression Remote Sequencer (paid licensed software) to deactivate and then reactivate the rundown on the XPression MOS Gateway.  This will trigger the engines to reload the project. Output engines only load a new project when the MOS rundown is loaded into them. 

    You could also trigger this action by unloading and reloading the MOS rundown in ENPS to the XPression MOS device. However, depending on the ENPS setup, this may also unload the reload the rundown on all MOS devices, which could be a problem depending on your workflow. The advantage of the XPression Rundown Controller and Remote Sequencer software is that you can trgger that rundown re-load without affecting other MOS devices.