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  • 1.  Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 04-12-2024 12:31

    I am currently working on a racing project, and the client has requested a side leaderboard or results page. They are looking for a way to animate the positions changing dynamically. They want the animation to visually represent the movement of positions instead of just instantaneous changes. For example, if the person in 1st place moves to 3rd place, they would like to see 1 slide down and 2 and 3 move up in real-time.

    Additionally, they are interested in whether this animation can be triggered by changes in the data feed automatically, without requiring manual updates. I am unsure if this functionality is achievable with Xpression. Any assistance, suggestions, or insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    / Media Production and design

    Derek Kilgore
    Lead Artist
    Atomic Bronco Designs
    Kansas City United States

  • 2.  RE: Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 04-12-2024 14:06

    Sounds nightmarish.

    If you are any good at VB, then you could do it.

    You would have to analyze data as it changed and determine all the new positions.

    You would then have to dynamically create animation controllers and play them.

    Layering precedence could get real messy.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 3.  RE: Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 04-12-2024 17:08

    Ugh, it sounds like more work than it's worth.


    Derek Kilgore
    Lead Artist
    Atomic Bronco Designs
    Kansas City United States

  • 4.  RE: Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 04-13-2024 21:04

    Visual Basic, create functions that animate up and down based on X-number of pixels...
    Then you'd have to have an array of all the racers, and run through all of them for each change in this array.

    Not gonna be easy, but it is possible.

    Aleksander Stalsberg
    Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences/Lillehammer Icehockey Club

  • 5.  RE: Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 04-15-2024 08:32
      |   view attached

    Hello Derek.
    Try the attached scene

    Roman Yaroshenko
    chief specialist
    Moscow Russian Federation


    testt.xpp   29 KB 1 version

  • 6.  RE: Racing results / leaderboard animations

    Posted 24 days ago

    I am trying to do the same thing! haha I have downloaded that test project and had a play. However the data that gets fed to me the positions stay static while the names are updating either up or down. Its a text source file split into fields that looks like an excel sheet with columns and rows updating every second. i.e in Column 5 each row represents the position, while in column 11 the names are displayed. When they go pass their timing points their name will either move to the correct row depending if a pass was made or not. In this project you need the position to update with the name.

    I have worked with APIs before and have been able to search within the datalinq but have had no luck applying those methods to search within this text source or finding ways to search within this specific datalinq. 

    James King