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  • 1.  Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-12-2023 20:55

    We are using Remote Sequencer on a Studio box. With our new graphics package there are keyboard macro scripts and sequence groups we need to run, but when you run the show from Remote Sequencer, it's behavior seems to be to not load any keyboard mapping or sequence items into Studio. So we don't get our sequence groups and scripts we want to run from Dashboard.

    We can get the script to work if we load the project into studio directly, but then we have two projects open, one the local one and then the one deployed by Remote Sequencer, and if you're not careful, it causes other problems.

    Is there some way to tell Remote Sequencer not to deploy a project, but instead just use the local copy? Is there some way to tell it to go ahead and load Project Shortcuts and the Studio sequence list?

    Thank you for any help,

    Scott Thomas
    Art Director

  • 2.  RE: Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-13-2023 04:46

    Are you using project shortcuts, seen here in the top section of my image?

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-13-2023 14:26

    We have a Script Action that was initially placed in the Project Shortcuts. We tried moving it down to the Globals, but then we couldn't get the script to fire.

    We'll try that again.

    Scott Thomas
    Art Director

  • 4.  RE: Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-13-2023 13:42


    The behavior you're seeing is consistent with the XPression MOS workflow involving a Project Server and Remote Sequencer. What are you trying to accomplish with the Keyboard Shortcuts and Sequence Group? 

    You are correct that when a running order is activated on the XPression Gateway, any associated project will open in XPression but not become active, nor will take items saved to the project open in the sequencer. Your sequence groups could be saved as an XML take item list that the Director or XPression Operator could open after activating the deployed project in the Project Manager's Project Group. This would need to be done each time the project gets unloaded and reloaded into the Studio engine, but would alleviate the need to open the project twice.

    Then depending on what functions your keyboard shortcuts target, they could be loaded into the Global Shortcut section so they'd be available to the engine regardless of the active project. If your operator is working from remote sequencer, it's possible to create a different set of keyboard shortcuts on that program that may accomplish similar tasks. 

    Jeff Mayer
    Ross Video

  • 5.  RE: Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-13-2023 14:29

    Thanks Jeff for the clarification. I'll look into the XML Take Item List. We tried moving the Script Action to the Globals, but it stopped working. We'll try that again.

    Scott Thomas
    Art Director

  • 6.  RE: Remote Sequencer vs. Studio

    Posted 10-16-2023 21:33

    Okay, I think we have a better handle on what's going on.

    We just need to "Activate" the project that Remote Sequencer deploys to the Studio and the script is there and works.

    We now have an XML Take Item List saved with the items to import.

    Thank you all for your help!

    Scott Thomas
    Art Director