I have a structTable holding some info, the number of elements in that table can change at any given time. In Dashboard, it works perfect. However, in Datalinq it hangs on to old elements.
For example, if I had 8 elements in the table, I would see 8 elements in Dashboard and 8 in Datalinq. If I then go down to 4 elements in Dashboard, I would see in the Dashboard parameter 4 elements, but in Datalinq I would still see the eight elements. I did try to build in something that would set all my parameters in Dashboard to blank before clearing... but it still hangs on to the old elements, just as blank instead of with the old data... which is slightly better but still no good for wanting to step through the data in XPression using <n+> advancement in a crawl as I'm left now with blank spaces.
Is there a way to force Datalinq to update? Even browsing and refreshing the datalinq source still hangs on to the old non-existent parameters.
Jake Lew
Access Communications Co-Operative Limited
Regina Canada