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ticker in one scene?

  • 1.  ticker in one scene?

    Posted 10-22-2023 09:51

    I need to create a ticker in one scene only.
    I believe I need to do some scripts?
    Anyone can help me?

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD

  • 2.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 10-23-2023 09:03

    Any example of the style of ticker you want? 

    It should tick or crawl or roll for example? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 05:52

    I have my project, but how to export it so I can upload it here?

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD

  • 4.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 05:55

    File > export. 

    However I don't really need to see the project I just need to know why type of ticker you want?

    A video link to anything similar is fine. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 08:51

    I managed to make this.
    But I can't get it run as I wan't.

    The text has to run from left to right, start outside the picture and run all to the left until I take it off air

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD

  • 6.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:13

    So it's what we would call a crawl? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 7.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:16

    Yes, I believe so.

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD

  • 8.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:24

    Are you using external data or you want to be able to type into the template from sequence?

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 9.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:29

    I use external data from our NRCS and use Mosart, therefore I need it in one scene only, can't use the function in XPression with ROLL/CRAWL.

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD

  • 10.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 09:31

    you need to use the parent group method instead of the sequence group method. 

    I will send you a video. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 11.  RE: ticker in one scene?

    Posted 11-14-2023 16:16

    I will love to se how.

    Otherwise, if my template can work, it would be nice, i'm just not sure how to do.

    Tue Sandbæk
    Director / TV-Technician
    TV SYD