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  • 1.  Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-08-2023 16:04

    The subject may be too broad, but here is my problem I'm hoping to solve for:

    We are doing baseball graphics, and we can pull data from DakStats to get current batter info, and most information related to that batter(jersey number, last name, batting average, etc...), but DakStats is not passing us the First Name of the batter

    Currenty, I have a seperate excel sheet that has a collection of all players Jersey Numbers, First Names and Last Names. I have a global DataLinq Key that is named Jersey, and I can quickly update that global variable to the players number, and it will pull the name from the excel sheet and all the other data from DakStats(position, batting avg, HR, RBI, etc)

    Is there a way to make the Jersey DataLinq Key pull from DakStats as well, so I don't need to update the slide every time...(I actually just make 9 of them pregame, and preset all 9 with the batting lineup, but then have to scramble to update if there's a pinch hitter, or the lineup changed last minute, etc) I'm thinking a much cleaner solution would be if I can pull that Jersey Number from the live stats from DakStats and then use that to update the name from the Excel sheet, but I'm not sure how to make them both perform together.

    I tried creating a new TextObject called BatterJersey and having that pull the Jersey from DakStats, which does output 15(current batter in DakStats), but when I tell the Name field to look in the excel sheet in row %BatterJersey% it doesn't output anything(See Picture 4)

    Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Jordan Shew

  • 2.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-09-2023 05:11

    Yes there is, are you using the master summary database or are you using xml's from the dak? 

    Do you know how to write queries to get data? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-09-2023 15:31
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    I tried responding from the email notification that you responded, but not sure it went to the correct place, Basically, I did not set this up originally, but am seeing that it is named Master Database Summary, so I'm guessing it is that(see picture for confirmation)..

    Also, I do not have any experience writing a query to pull data(I've only used the Datalinq Properties tabs to pull data) or even know where to do so, but I'd be willing to try anything if you can point me in the right direction.



    Jordan Shew

  • 4.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-10-2023 05:59

    Hey, up that's the master summary database. 

    OK in that case its laying it out like a table so what you can do is things like this. 

    This is the home player table in dak master summery, there is G and S for Game and Season. 

    This what you are used of I would imagine, so this would be linked to the first name on the first row in the home player table. 

    In order to get the data you want based on a datalinqkey you'll need to use a query. 

    SELECT [column you want] FROM [table you want] WHERE (column you want to search by] = value you want to use to search eg "11G"

    The example below shows I am looking for first name from home player table where the datalinqkey called "Jersey" is whatever value you have entered and you'll see the letter G for game next to it, if I wanted season it would be an S there. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 5.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-12-2023 15:34

    OK, that was actually really helpful, but not for the problem I was trying to solve for...I see what you are doingand that would eliminate my excel document, which I like and I have that working, but what I am wanting to do is eliminate the need to update the jersey number manually at all as well. When the DakStats updates for the current batter, the variable noB_NUMBER is passing the current batter, and what I would like to do is use that number to return the batter information instead of my manually entered Jersey Number, so I would like to not use a DataLinq Key at all, but I'm not sure how to combine the game in progress information with the Master Roster Information...essentially two lookups into the same lookup...Does that make sense?

    I tried creating a Text Field that is pulling noB_NUMBER, and it does output the correct number, but I'm not sure how to use that text field as part of the query?

    Does that make sense? 

    Jordan Shew

  • 6.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-12-2023 19:33

    Try this while you wait for a reply...

    In the query in the "table" field replace %Jersey% with @thenameofthedummytextobject@, using the name you used in your project


  • 7.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-12-2023 20:46

    Yah, I tried that as well, and it was not working...but I do have a solution for anyone else following. If I replace Simon's query from above with the text below:

    SELECT [fstFIRSTNAME] FROM [HPlayerGmSn] WHERE [fstNUMBER] = (SELECT [noB_NUMBER] FROM [GameInProgress])

    It works. That is pulling the number from the Game in Progress table, and using it in the Roster table to return the correct name.

    Thanks everyone for your help! 

    Jordan Shew

  • 8.  RE: Using Two data sources in the same scene together

    Posted 08-14-2023 03:07

    You can do what Paul said but you would need tick 

    On the text box which is getting the the number. 

    Please you got there another way, although that way will work as long as it comes from the same datalinq.

    If you ever want to say search your excel using a number from the dak you'd want to use the above macro method. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom