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  • 1.  Virtual output question

    Posted 04-24-2024 16:10

    Hi All,

    I'm wondering if there's a way to make the size of the virtual outputs use it's entire window. There's so much white space that could be used (see screen shot) and it seems like a waste. I see that it's a 1920x1080 resolution but can it be zoomed in through a setting that I haven't found? I don't want to change my monitors scale or resolution and I don't think that would fix the 'issue' anyways. Thanks in advance...

    Screen shot of CG1 virtual output

    Donny Swanson
    Graphic Designer, Broadcast
    TVO (TVOntario)
    Toronto Canada

  • 2.  RE: Virtual output question

    Posted 04-25-2024 09:40

    There are two ways to make a Virtual Output fullscreen.

    When you create one, there is the option to check the "FullScreen" tickbox:

    When you already have a Virtual Output, you can right-click in it to make it fullscreen:

    Rob van Rooyen
    Senior Graphics Specialis
    NEP The Netherlands
    Hilversum Netherlands

  • 3.  RE: Virtual output question

    Posted 04-25-2024 10:13

    I believe this is version centric.

    We are currently on 9.5 and our Virtual Output Settings only has

    • Show On Startup
    • Stay On Top
    • Automatically Adjust Aspect Ratio

    Right clicking on the Virtual output does have the option for Full Screen, but it is grayed out and cannot be selected.

    What a tease.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 4.  RE: Virtual output question

    Posted 04-25-2024 12:41

    I'm on version 11. I have the 'right click' option but as Azathoth pointed out, it's greyed out. What I want is to fill the entire window and not have all that white space

    Donny Swanson
    Graphic Designer, Broadcast
    TVO (TVOntario)
    Toronto Canada

  • 5.  RE: Virtual output question

    Posted 04-25-2024 13:54

    In XPression Designer & Developer, full screen virtual outputs are not supported. 

    You need to upgrade to XPression Studio, BlueBox or Prime for full screen virtual outputs. 

  • 6.  RE: Virtual output question

    Posted 04-26-2024 09:47

    Grayed out option.

    Total dick tease.

    Son of Cthulhu