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  • 1.  Visual Logic issue on Xpression 10.5

    Posted 12-22-2023 11:01

    Hi there,

    I used visual logic to put sounds on a game show lower third.

    If the score is 0 points, there's a "loose" sound and everything over 0 has a "win" sound.

    • For the score I used a counter widget. 
    • For the sounds I used 2 video clips with alpha channel.

    It's working fine until I close the project an open it again. Everytime the scene is played the first time, the 2 sounds come together. The only workaround I found for now is to tap UP and DOWN once on every widget. After that everything is working fine. But this can't be a durable solution.

    Here is the logic I made for the audio part of the scene:

    Here is the logic I made for the audio part of the scene
    If the value "ZAHL" (given by the counter widget) is equal to 0, then play the "AUDIO_FALSCH" clip and stop the "AUDIO_RICHTIG" clip.
    If the value "ZAHL" (given by the counter widget) is greater than 0, then play the "AUDIO_RICHTIG" clip and stop the "AUDIO_FALSCH" clip.
    Here is the scene:
    The 2 clips with the sounds are "AUDIO_RICHTIG" and "AUDIO_FALSCH".
    And that's the counter widget in the sequencer:
    Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
    Best regards and thanks beforehand

    Régis Blank

  • 2.  RE: Visual Logic issue on Xpression 10.5

    Posted 12-26-2023 11:33

    This is a perfect scenario to use Dashboard. It can change the score, play the sounds with a single click on the dashboard. I know this isn't the answer to your question, but it's a way to get it done simply. 

    Malcolm Thorpe
    xpression design
    Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD

  • 3.  RE: Visual Logic issue on Xpression 10.5

    Posted 01-18-2024 08:53

    Thanks for the input Malcolm, but we are not using Dashboard in this project.

    Best regards.

    Régis Blank

  • 4.  RE: Visual Logic issue on Xpression 10.5

    Posted 01-04-2024 18:29

    Hi Régis,

    Triggering audio in XPression based on Visual Logic can be a daunting task, I know.

    Using Dashboard could be a solution, but sometimes you don't want to go through all of that hassle of setting up Dashboard and you just want it to work from inside XPression.

    From what I can tell from your screenshots, you're using the materials Play and Stop-actions inside your Visual Logic.

    Since you say they start to play as soon as your scene is put online, my first guess would be that the videoclips are set to Autoplay? They should be set to Stopped.

    If that doesn't solve the issue, you could try a slightly different approach by putting your video's on a separate Scene Director. So for example use one Scene Director for the "AUDIO_RICHTIG" and another one for "AUDIO_FALSCH".

    Then instead of using the Material Actions in your Visual Logic, you need to use the Scene Director Actions which you can find under the Scene-menu.

    This is my preferred approach, especially because it also gives you the opportunity to use a simple audio file for your soundFX instead of a transparent videofile which makes the scene less heavy. Also using an audio-file you have a little bit control on the volume level as well by adjusting the volume level in the Scene Director itself.

    But one word of caution when you use audio files on a Scene Director track, don't put it on position 0, otherwise everytime you recue the Scene Director, you'll hear the first frame of the audio. If you put it on frame position 1, you won't have that issue.

    Kenneth Buck
    Senior Graphics Developer
    Bold Graphics

  • 5.  RE: Visual Logic issue on Xpression 10.5

    Posted 01-18-2024 08:50

    Hi Kenneth,

    Sorry for the late reply, I could only continue to work on that project since yesterday.

    Setting the video files on «stopped» didn't work, the clips stood stopped. BUT the second solution, with different Scene Directors worked out great. Now it's exactly how I imagined it should be. 

    Best regards and many thanks for your help!

    Régis Blank