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  • 1.  XPression GO! Scripting

    Posted 05-06-2024 14:58

    Hi there,

    I am working for another production outside of my main job. I have been asked to build a show on a brand new XPression GO! unit. I normally work on an XPression Studio v10.

    While building this new show on the XPression GO! I attempted to use script edit on a few elements. I write my scripting but when I go to compile it, 2 errors pop up; one is an XPression error about memory, the 2nd is an error about being unable to write a file.

    Is there something about the GO! that would prevent me from scripting? I thought if it was not an installed option it would have been greyed out and I wouldn't even be able to get to a point were I am writing the script.

    Or, is there something I need to repair or setup correctly to make my scripting work?

    Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.



  • 2.  RE: XPression GO! Scripting

    Posted 05-06-2024 15:26

    Sounds familiar to a problem on another broadcast system.

    Scripting fails if you do not "Run as Administrator".

    Different software, same problem. ???

    Launch software with a right click to get a menu and the Administrator option.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 3.  RE: XPression GO! Scripting

    Posted 05-09-2024 12:23

    It sounds like something is wrong with the install of the XPression software or something is blocking the script cache from being built. 

    I would try:

    • reinstalling XPression
    • checking Programs and Features to make sure that .Net Framework 3.5 is being being installed by the XPression installer 
    • disabling "on access file scanning" on any anti-virus that has been installed
    • checking the script cache folder location and making sure the user is allowed to write to it, or changing its location as a test
      • XPression > Edit > Preferences > On Disk Cache > Script Engine > Path