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  • 1.  XPression Memory Leak?

    Posted 12 days ago


    Was wondering if anyone had any insight with my issue...

    I keep getting memory leaks when working in XPression 10.5, designer, on my work rig. 

    I'm not exactly sure what's causing it. The only solve I have is to restart XPression which is annoying.

    We don't have this issue with our studio show PCs, just my designer one.

    I'm on a 14900k Intel CPU, 96gb ddr5 Ram 6600 mhz, 4090 gpu, ssds 

    Jade Wang
    Graphics Producer
    Esports Engine

  • 2.  RE: XPression Memory Leak?

    Posted 10 days ago

    Can you post the log file of an instance where you see the memory leak? 

    C:\ProgramData\Ross Video\XPression\XPression*\logs