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Best way to create a lower third

  • 1.  Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-06-2024 16:37

    Hi I just wanted some clarification on creating an animating lower third with animating text. 

    is it best to create the animation pauses etc on the strap in the layout tab and then add the text and its animation in the same scene. 


    is it best to use create a scene for the lower third graphic and another scene for the text and then create a group in the sequencer

    Mark Isbell

  • 2.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-06-2024 16:40

    You create everything you want in 1 template, only the data should change in sequence. 

    There is only 1 exception to that and that is Rolls and Crawls. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-06-2024 18:11

    Thanks Simon

    i would be using a crawl for the text

    Mark Isbell

  • 4.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 03:44

    The crawl is created using a blank group scene in

    the layout mode or as a transition?


    Mark Isbell

  • 5.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 04:30

    I dont quite know what you are saying.

    You don't need to use transition logic for roll or crawl.

    You either make crawls using scene group, usually when using external data.

    Or you use a group in the sequencer and set to crawl and place the items you want to crawl.

    No scenes should be blank otherwise you won't see anything?

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 6.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 06:31

    I thought I saw one of the online tutorials which has an empty page with a set to crawl and then the text as children. 
    my issue is a have a two line crawl and the top and bottom lines change each week. 
    I can set it up to edit in the sequencer no problem but the spacing is an issue. 

    Mark Isbell

  • 7.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 06:34

    Sounds like the Roll tutorial where the parent scene is empty but that's just because its a roll so it would be on either black or over live video.
    The parent scene should have any of the background objects you want in it, it doesn't have to empty, only if you want it that way. 

    Sounds like you need to use Visual logic for dynamic spacing if you don't want to handle it manually. 

    Or you can set up a single text box for each row and use the tab spacing options. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 8.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 09:52

    Thanks Red.

    I feel that creating a top line text and then a bottom line text its the best way.

    I'm not sure how those tab options work. Is there a tutorial for those?! sorry

    As I say, sometimes the spaces will be different depending on the length of the names in the second line and I may need to adjust the top line.

    The way I'm currently doing it elsewhere is to select each name and move by pixel if need be. I'm sure theres a handy way in Xpression 

    Mark Isbell

  • 9.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 09:59

    Tab options set how far each tab is apart from each other when you press the "tab" key. 

    Most people use visual logic to maintain spacing if they don't use tabs so that you can say that the second text box is always 50 pixels from the end of the fist automatically or something similar to that. 

    You can publish the position cords of any object and then move by pixel that way if you are keen to keep it manual. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 10.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 10:27

    Thank you 

    I do use tabs but these ones are jumping all over the place. The first one is zero and that can't be changed. 

    it sounds like the best thing to do is a text box for the first job title then return and type the name underneath. 
    Then set up spacing using logic for the next job title and name and so on. 

    maybe by doing two lines as different text boxes is not the best way as I've been doing. 

    this is the only element I've having trouble with atm

    Mark Isbell

  • 11.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 11:03

    Regarding tabs;

    First one is zero because it's the first tab and then the next tab is the number of pixels along you want the next one and so on. 

    You also have alignment next to them so you should probably set them all to left if you are working left to right unless you want them centered and then you should center them. 

    Have you got a picture of what you want? 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 12.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 11:17
    Credit crawl
    The first picture is what I need.  a long crawl and obviously the name lengths will differ week to week.
    Second is my attempt at Visual Logic. Is that the kind of thing that would work? I've no experience with VL.
    Thanks again

    Mark Isbell

  • 13.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 11:28

    It would work but it will always be the same distance apart. 

    You should use boundingbox widthscaled connected to the position X with an offset block. 

    Here's some good threads on what you want.

    But perhaps all you really need is a basic scene and then a scene group in the sequencer for what you want. 

    with a background scene on a back layer

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 14.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 13:27

    With your last option there, I create a scene for each job title and name and then put a delay on each in the crawl? 

    Mark Isbell

  • 15.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 13:42

    I'll have a go at the VL thanks Simon!

    Mark Isbell

  • 16.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 13:47

    That Visual Logic is working but its only recognising the top line.

    Each of my text boxes are two lines (I'm using return key for lower line)

    Mark Isbell

  • 17.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 14:21

    Its using the bounding box, so the red box around the object. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 18.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 14:32
    From what I can tell, the bounding box is covering the two lines. see pic.
    The bottom line is a different font but part of the same text box.


  • 19.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:01

    A bounding box is what is around all objects in XPression. 

    So the item you are pushing on X will be pushed by the widest text. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 20.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:07

    My bounding box is covering the two lines and the widest point on X but the logic is only recognising the width of the top line. not the lower line which is wider.

    Mark Isbell

  • 21.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:09

    Please post a clear picture of the 2 lines because bounding boxes should be around all the largest points of an object by definition. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 22.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:23
    Ive tried it using the one font but still happening

    Mark Isbell

  • 23.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:32

    So the bound box is around the widest part from what you have shared here? 

    You maybe just need more offset. 

    If you want the execs to be after guests you're going to need to add the presenter and guests bounding boxes together and add an offset. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 24.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 15:50

    Cripes that seems very complicated and time consuming. I can do it but what would be your preferred method?

    If I can select random words and move them pixel by pixel to align them (as I do now) then I'd be ok with that.

    This would have to be done in layout mode though right?

    In Sequence mode I can play around with the X position of each job title but Im just doing it by eye and theres no way to know if the spaces between each job are the same. Hope that makes sense.

    Mark Isbell

  • 25.  RE: Best way to create a lower third

    Posted 03-07-2024 16:28

    If you look at that link I posted about vertical spacing it would be the same as that but for hortizontal. 

    However if you;re going to have a lot of names like credits I wouldn't build it this way.

    I would just have  the following in sequence.

    Group 1 - set to standard

    Background Scene Layer 0. 

    Group 2 - set to roll and crawl

    Text Scene  with names 1 in

    Same Text Scene copied with names 2 in

    Same text Scene copied with names 3 in


    Set the group to crawl, set spacing between etc in the settings 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom