
Kenneth De Buck

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Posted By Kenneth De Buck 10-03-2018 22:41
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hello all, I'm currently working on a ticker to display a list of headlines on air. The content is coming from a MS SQL-server which I'm accessing through Datalinq but I have an issue when the content gets updated. Whenever a change is made, the ticker jumps to another message in the ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 09-14-2018 05:54
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hello all, I have to build a scene in XPression and I've hit a bump while trying to use Blending Modes. I have a bunch of slabs which will hold the name of a country. I need to highlight some countries so to do that I have added another slab which will serve as the highlight in a yellow ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 08-20-2018 18:14
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You are correct @bderry, whenever the xpEngine is initialised, it will launch XPression, which is what I'm trying to prevent. Currently I'm checking if the XPression process is running before I start the XPression. But when I launch XPression manually, the application takes over and limits the view of ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 08-20-2018 18:00
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Thanks for your reply @bderry, but what if I only want the user to decide whether or not XPression should be running. Maybe the user is closing XPression because he wants to shutdown the PC and I don't want my application to start XPression again... #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 08-20-2018 16:55
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Hello all, I'm currently developing a little service to control the XPression. However it is important that the XPression remains available for the user. Right now, when I try to initialize the xpEngine, the software will launch XPression if it's not already running. But when that happens, ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 07-08-2018 20:34
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Thank you @bford for your reply. So I do have to make my animations twice as long then. Thanks #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 07-08-2018 06:11
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Hello all, I'm building a project in 1080p 59.94. When I'm creating animations, I'm under the impression that the playback speed is not correct. It seems faster. Could it be that I need to double the length of my animation controllers? So instead of having an 8 frame dissolve, I need ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 12-14-2017 20:18
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OMG... I didn't know that was still in there... I can't believe I haven't seen that. Thanks Brian. #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 12-14-2017 17:57
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Hello Brian, I just uploaded from the webpage. It didn't allow me to specify a folder. It's called Transition Logic if I remember correctly. It's an XPP. #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 12-14-2017 07:28
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Hello all, I'm having a little issue in a projectr where I'm using Transition Logic. On one of my templates I have added an outro animation that should be played when we're moving on to another scene. However when this scene is on air and we load another scene, the outro plays fine, ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 04-19-2017 22:09
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I didn't check the actual file, I will do so tomorrow but I would imagine it to be the correct framerate yes. We only work with one standard. #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 04-18-2017 19:49
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Hi all, I'm currently doing a gameshow using XPression where I'm playing videoclips from inside Xpression but just as a quad and not using the server channels. I'm having an issue that after a while suddenly the clips start playing at double the speed or faster than it normally should. ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-29-2017 20:29
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That would be wonderful Brian, Thank you! #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-29-2017 12:40
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Hi, I'm facing a problem which I cant get fixed through the API and I would like to request adding a property to the xpCylinderObject I'm placing a bunch of cylinders at various positions on a 3D-plane, but I'm having an issue with the depthwrites. My left tube end (which is actually my ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-27-2017 13:35
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I haven't replied yet to your suggestion Vinz, but thank you. It worked like a charm! #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-27-2017 13:33
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Thanks @redmile for the suggestion, however I've tried it but I can't quite get the desired effect. I also have to use the Gaussian Blur effect to get the amount of blur that I would like but that destroys the refraction... Is there a tutorial somewhere explaining the different settings ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-27-2017 13:20
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Hi Garner, Thanks for your reply. I haven't had the chance yet to look into your suggestion yet until now, but the issue with your suggested solution is that I can't load it on the same framebufferlayer I think. I would have to put it on a layer on top of the scÁ¨ne I want to wipe out. Since ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-27-2017 13:09
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Thank you Brian, That works like a charm. Best regards, Kenneth #XPression
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-27-2017 13:05
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Thank you Vinz for your reply. I'm looking forward to that release. Another thing I encountered and which is pretty annoying is the lack of a way to copy SceneDirectors. Sometimes you just want to copy a scenedirector to build an alternative animation which is slightly different from the original ...
Posted By Kenneth De Buck 03-19-2017 14:58
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hello all, I've recentely had to do a huge project with XPression which caused me quite a bit of headache because of dot-comma conversions to be able to display the correct format for the graphics. In this project we had to use a lot of Visual Logic and calculations for these graphics to ...