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Hi there One of my operators built a couple of playlists from a replay event and went to melt them. Mira dialog said it melted ...
The input does not show the Mira S1 name it just shows the driver and type. Could I have a old firmware that causes that ...
Hi Jim, On the Carbonite Ultra, did you assign the Mira device to its video input? (DashBoard>Configuration>Inputs) This is ...
I am trying to send a simple play command to the Mira from the ultra using custom control. I have put the Mira 422 under amp ...
Hi AJ, If you want, I can do a quick remote session with you. I might have a DB panel that pretty much do what you are ...
Hello, wondering if anyone here has a surplus MIRA ( Model Mira-IR-CS ) control panel you are not using? Happy to trade or pay-thanks ...
Odd issue that does not seem to occur with predictable regularity, we occasionally receive these dips to black with both video ...
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