
Sam McIntosh

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Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-30-2024 06:00
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi I have tried to build a table using code from example panels but am unable to get it working. Essentialy I would like a button to add rows and one to delete rows with up and down arrows to navigate the table. If someone can assist with what I have wrong that'd be great. Thanks Name ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 07-04-2024 00:22
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Is it possible to disable a button from being pressed if it is a certain color. For example If the color of the button is grey it can't be clicked. ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 06-13-2024 19:17
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Thanks again Jake, this is great. Much appreciated ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 06-11-2024 19:59
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Great that works, thanks Jake! It would be nice if the team names could be added to the dropdown automatically. ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 06-06-2024 21:28
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I have a simple table in dashboard which I would like to populate team values from the table once a team is selected from a dropdown menu. What is the best way to do this? NEW SYD BRI params.teamnames params.shortnames params.established params.colour params.logo ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-08-2022 02:14
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Is this Custom Panel for Cricket still available anywhere? Would love to take a look at it ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-24-2021 10:36
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Amazing! Thanks Ben for your assistance. Much appreciated. Have a great weekend. ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-24-2021 09:22
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Hi Ben, if it's easier you can download the panel here ----------- ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-24-2021 08:17
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Can you tell me what I am doing wrong here ap_full_name ap_first_name ap_last_name ap_match_name ap_position ap_shirt_num ap_formation hp_full_name ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-21-2021 18:39
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Hi Anand, Thanks for the update. Do you know how to get the code James supplied me working in my dashboard. I'm not sure where to put it. ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-20-2021 18:56
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Hi James, are you able to provide me with further assistance. ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh National Rugby League Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-10-2021 19:17
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Hi James, if I was to add that to the below dashboard where does it need to go. And do I just update it o this so it references the rss_feed parameter ogscript.asyncHTTP(params.getValue("rss_feed", 0), "GET", ("Referer": ""), null, callback);
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-09-2021 19:59
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We are using an API via an rss feed from Statsperform where we need to use a referer URL to access. Is this possible to do with datalinq or even dashboard? I'm not sure where to put in the referer or even setting it up. #XPression #DashBoard​ ​ ------------------------------ Sam ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-09-2021 19:06
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Thanks Dave, this has made it a lot easier for me to understand and make changes. The reason I set it up the clear the arrays individually was if the data needed to be added manually. When you clear the boxes remain rather than disappearing all together. For certain matches there might not be an api ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 09-09-2021 00:18
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Hi Dave, I had a go trying to pull team stats. I know I'm doing something wrong but don't know where to start. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Maxime Jake Andy Ranko Javain Russell Janio Leonard Cristián ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 08-19-2021 22:41
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Hi Dave, This is now working perfectly now and I've been able to retrieve data for team managers as well. I am primarily a motion graphics designer with not much experience with dashboard, so this is a great start for me to build on. Thanks again for taking the time to help out. All the ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 08-19-2021 00:42
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi David, thanks for taking the time to look over this. What you have done is amazing and I appreciate the help. One last thing, using what you have done as I starting point I made an attempt to fetch the match officials data I just can't seem to get it working. Can you tell me where I am going ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 08-17-2021 02:51
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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I have been using the xml example grid from the Dashboard U Panel Builder 107 video as a starting point for my project. I will be receiving an rss feed link which I would like to enter into a text field then from that it would like generate two separate tables for home and away team lists from the ...
Posted By Sam McIntosh 08-17-2021 02:50
Found In Library: Facility Control
Posted By Sam McIntosh 08-16-2021 01:20
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Perfect! Thanks Drew Hopefully one day I'll get back to LA and watch a Rams game. The new SoFi Stadium looks outstanding. Cheers ------------------------------ Sam McIntosh ------------------------------