
Curtis MacDonald

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Posted By Curtis MacDonald 06-08-2024 07:17
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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A quick a dirty way would be to use %relid%. create a scene group and number it for example 1000, then put your scene in that group 1001, Datalinq your excel, but where it selects the row , swap that with , then make as many copies as you want. the last part, goto the group and change the Group ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 11-15-2022 11:41
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, Does anyone have a way to, or know if Ross is planning to, add a google sheet source to Datalinq Sever? Currently a lot of our graphics are driven via Google sheets and our workflow since moving to Xpression has been to run a script to download and convert the google sheet to an XLSX file before ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 11-02-2022 21:03
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, I am new(ish) to Visual Basic and C# programming, I have been testing out the Xpression U tutorial writing a C# program and starting out it was simple, I can get a scene and bring it online. The programming goes off the rails when I try and set the text of an object on a scene. Attached ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 11-02-2022 21:02
Found In Library: Graphics
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 10-11-2022 10:34
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, I am using Xpression Go! dual Channel with an AJA IO4K and it isn't officially supported by Ross, is it possible with the Go! License to use a Decklink Duo2 in an external thunderbolt enclosure or is Go! Limited to specific hardware like AJA io devices? thanks ------------- ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 08-30-2022 13:51
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, I am building a Dashboard panel to control xpression and I am wondering, is there a way to check if a scene or take item is online? I would like to be able to have a user push a button and based on what is on-air take one scene to air or a different one. Thanks for you help. Curtis ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 08-13-2022 23:17
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, I am somewhat new to xpression, I have used Chyron quite extensively but moving to xpression now, and have built many scenes now that I can effect on and effect out exactly how I want using the SceneDirectors. What I would like to be able to do is run an Update Out to Update In SceneDirector ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 03-04-2021 01:21
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, I am trying to switch the time picker widget from 24 hour clock to a 12 hour clock but cannot find a way to do this. Is it possible in dashboard to use a twelve-hour clock instead?
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 01-19-2021 16:21
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi Jeff, without knowing the software you're trying to control or the api commands it may require it is tough to show exactly what you need. However, here is a simple HTTP post to tell vMix running on the local PC to do a fade transition. ogscript.asyncPost(' ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 09-28-2020 17:19
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, Is there a method to either hide a tab or make a tab not accessible? what I want to do is make a tab either not visible or not accessible without clicking a button from the main Tab. I want the user to have to click a button to reveal (both going to the tab and making ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 04-10-2020 20:51
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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A way to get it done very quickly, buy a Birddog Studio. Put multiviewer on the input, then with dashboard add an NDI input and select the Birddog. #DashBoard
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 03-02-2020 16:23
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, I am working with daily data files from different locations. Currently, I just rename the new file every day then click a button that says load new data, the data for the new day is now loaded into the pre-defined tables, etc. I think the best way (more user-friendly way) to do this would ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 02-26-2020 01:57
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Thanks, this worked great #DashBoard
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 02-18-2020 12:27
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, Is there a way to password protect a grid file so a user couldn't access and edit it? Here is the example. We have many clients using the same panel layout at different locations and some of the locations have people knowledgeable enough to make changes to the panels, but we do not want to ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 01-27-2020 21:41
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, So I have been working on a dashboard panel that will get live XML data everything 5 seconds. when I set a timer to read the XML data every 5 seconds, it is almost like the file gets locked. it never seems to update. If i set the timer to update greater than 10 seconds it updates fine. ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 01-21-2020 04:27
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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thanks, for some reason I never tried it on the table itself. I was trying the table columns. It works exactly how I wanted. #DashBoard
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 01-20-2020 20:17
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Hi All, I have created a dashboard panel that has a table of data in rows and columns. I am trying to have a button to select a specific row in the table. The example would be if I have 50 rows and I no row 43 is always player #43, then I can have a button labeled #43, it will goto that ...
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 08-23-2018 03:36
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hi Les, is this feature still on the road map? I would love to use it. Thanks #Carbonite
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 11-21-2017 13:58
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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That's what I thought. Thanks #XPression
Posted By Curtis MacDonald 11-21-2017 03:25
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi All, Kind of new to Xpression. Currently, we have a single ME Carbonite which came with Xpression LiveCG. We have been using it for a bit and like it, but I am wondering if it would be possible to feed the output to an NDI enabled device like a vMix or Tricaster? We also have a Tricaster which ...