
Danny Skarka, Ross Pilot since Synergy

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Posted By Danny Skarka 05-22-2024 13:46
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hi, Is there a tutorial on how Carbonite Sequencer works, how to build and modify events? ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] San Francisco United States ------------------------------
Posted By Danny Skarka 05-02-2024 16:19
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Ok, I played with this a bit. STATE has one event. It seems whenever I insert it, I get State EffDis 100fr. I tried doing some panel manipulations to change the state of the switcher, including going all the way back to STORE-ALL to recall the R State, then start a new CC and I still get the same event. ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 05-02-2024 12:53
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Ya see... this is why I ask these things! Just amazing. :) ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] San Francisco United States ------------------------------
Posted By Danny Skarka 05-01-2024 19:44
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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"You can still design full motion and even export those to TGA or PNG sequences to load into the switcher RAM cache like other stills or Animations as well." What? I can do animations in Designer? ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 05-01-2024 19:33
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hi all, I'm doing due dilligence just in case I missed a way to do something. I am using a DVE move to slide in a lower 3rd. (this is my way of adding "animation" to Lower 3rds) Lower 3rd- Media Manager 1 is on screen. Lower 3rd slides out (totally off screen) Lower 3rd changes to Media Manager ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-25-2024 14:56
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Sure. For animations, make them in After Effects with a green background (or any color that doesn't conflict with the graphics pallet) and export as 1920x1080 HD 59.94. (need that frame rate for animations to work, it seems). Make each lower 3rd it's own media file. Those will most likely be really small ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-25-2024 13:22
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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This may be irrelevant because of a different use case, but I do lower 3rds all the time with Carbonite/TD2. Make static L3rds in Expression Designer Export as single images to the PC. Use Filezilla to put them in a folder in Carbonite Use a Custom Control to recall them into any of the 4 Media ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-18-2024 20:54
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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I assume you are using two memory locations, one for the box pushed back, one for the box full. Is PGM off on both memories? Does it work when you do the memory recall manually? How are you executing it? Maybe something in the process is not CC-happy. ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-03-2024 19:28
Found In Library: Production Switchers
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-03-2024 19:28
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Yet another question: I noticed that when cueing clips in Clip Player via Custom Control, the player in Dashboard doesn't update. The clip cues, but the player stays empty. You can't really confirm that you have the right clip loaded. Feature? Bug? ------------------------------ [Danny] ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-03-2024 13:18
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Thank you. And no ... after many trips to NAB, I'm done! I know how much work goes into it for companies like Ross. Good luck! :) ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] San Francisco United States -------------------------- ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 04-02-2024 16:40
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hello people of Ross, I want to confirm something before I have a department go down a path. I may be getting a bunch of animated lower 3rds that I will key via chromakey. So a bunch of short mp4 files that I will cue and play using Custom Controls. In my head, this is an easy, doable workflow. Yes? ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-27-2024 20:30
Found In Library: Production Switchers
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-27-2024 20:30
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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I found putting the second row of buttons into the MiniME I wanted a bit button intensive. So I build Custom Controls. I split the ME PP row so that I see Custom Controls. Down deep in Custom Control bank 8, where I never go, I build four Custom Controls that set the second row into a specific ME/MiniME, ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-27-2024 13:53
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hi Andrew, I use a bunch of Custom Controls as well and I don't use the shot box because it's a reach for me. I put Custom Contols on the ME PP User Defined buttons. That way I have 23 of them right where my hands are. Here you can see ones with names, used to recall Xpression lower 3rds. I use ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-05-2024 15:46
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Thank you. I didn't have the correct port originally. Now that I have it, karma tells me I'll never need to use it! ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] ------------------------------
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-04-2024 18:30
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hi, Could I get an instruction on how to add a Carbonite Virtual Panel to Dashboard? I'm setting a laptop as an emergency backup. I have access to the frame node. Thank you. ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] - ...
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-04-2024 15:03
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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That's it! Thank you for showing me a new (to me) feature. ------------------------------ [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy [Producer, Director, Technical Director] ------------------------------
Posted By Danny Skarka 03-01-2024 16:09
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hello, Please excuse a rookie question, I inhereted a template and I'm not (yet) deep into Xpression. Please note in the attached image, in the Sequence Template Data, "Title" is above "Name". I'd like to flip flop that so that name is above title. In the Layout Object Manager, this is the case. ...