
Michele Hampton

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Posted By Michele Hampton 11-25-2024 19:21
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Any recommendations on what laptop is best for Xpression software to run on? Looking to upgrade. ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-18-2024 13:38
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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HI Simon. Thank you for your message. I see what you are doing, but if my clip is playing out on Node 1 and 2 and those are in a sequence (different ID number like 200 and 201) then I have the Take keyboard shortcuts assigned to 2 different keys S(stop) and P(play). Now I put those scenes that have your ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-18-2024 10:13
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi Simon. Thank you for this script. I will try it on my laptop today. I am back in the studio on Wednesday and Thursday. Might try it at the end of the day on Thursday just to not to take away from my show build. I so appreciate your help. ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-17-2024 20:22
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HI Simon. Thank you for this update. So just to ask I can copy this script you have shared with me and then just paste it in the edit scrip area of the keyboard layout? If that is not correct could you help me here. Also great that it will stop the clip for both nodes. It is a screen that splits apart ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-15-2024 12:23
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Thank you for this update. I ran this on my laptop and it worked great. Question...I think, from what I can see, that when I so the Ctr + Shift +1 it will stop and the clip, great, then I do the Ctr + Shift +1 again and it starts but it will only play the clip to the end of it. I tried it with and AVI ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-14-2024 15:27
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Hi Roman. So I just opened up the zip file on my laptop. I see the Keyboard and XPN files. When I open it up on my laptop I don't see anything pausing. Can I run this up on my laptop Xpression Designer program? I am not at my Tessera system and won't be for a few days. ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-14-2024 12:49
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Thanks Roman. This looks interesting. I will take a look at what you have suggested also. The client would want to just tell me to pause the clip whenever they felt like pausing it. So no exact place the pause would happen ever time. Appreciate the help. ------------------------------ Michele Lee ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-14-2024 12:47
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Thank you Simon. I will take a look at this also. I'm not skilled in scripting, but open to learning or at least looking at what you have suggested. ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-14-2024 12:30
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Hi Garner. It is a Tessera Master/Node system. ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 11-13-2024 14:51
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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I am working in the Tessera system. I bring graphics and AVIs into the clip browser. I know that you cannot put a pause on a clip in the browser, but does anyone have ideas on how I would put a pause, whenever my client wanted a clip to pause while it is playing out? Hope that is making some sense. ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 10-07-2024 19:15
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Thank you for the message. I see yours that is with the effects correct? I have the example you sent me and that being Eugene's. I am not good at Visual Logic. I did get this to work though. But trying to scale it after I put the border on gets weird. It moves on the Y axis when I try and scale up or ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 10-07-2024 15:45
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Hi. I have been interested in this also. I want to have a quad and then have a border that will automatically size up or down with the size of the quad. Say it is several pictures of someone that are different sizes. I don't find that the visual logic answer fits this solution, but I could be wrong. ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 17:44
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Has anyone dealt with live video input into the Xpression and lip flap issues? If so any solutions? ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 16:49
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Thanks for the message. I had a new idea before I just received your message. So I built 3 scenes, one for each of the 3 boxes that has the video sourche material which is still the 1 camera input. It is better than just the 1 scene, but as you mentioned there is a slight delay. My real time performance ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 15:42
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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HI Simon. Thanks for the message. We are on a Xpression Studio Flex dated 2021 v 11.5. When we do play this out it tells us that we are at or over 100% of real time performance. Is there a way to optimize the performance with a real time source (camera input)? I am thinking that this type of ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 14:53
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Hi Simon. It is a live camera input in the studio. I then put that camera on 3 separate video source materials. It is built in one scene. ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 13:05
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Thank you Malcom for your message back. I will try what you have suggested. I know you can keyframe a mask. So as far as the Box Mask. How would you keyframe that? ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-20-2024 13:03
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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I have a live camera input that I am putting into one scene that has 3 separate video source materials applied to 3 quads. I works, BUT there is a delay of the video on all 3 quads when I playout. My Xpression is then running at a high level of Non-Realtime Performance. Any thoughts on ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-19-2024 11:55
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Hi Malcolm. I am thinking of using a box mask to crop a large graphic that will be playing out of Tessera. It would need to split from the very center and look like it is hiding/cropping as the screen opens up from the center then closes back up. Like drapes that you would open then close up. The graphic ...
Posted By Michele Hampton 05-17-2024 12:24
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Can you key frame a box mask in Xpression ------------------------------ Michele Lee Hampton Graphics Operator Hermosa Beach, CA ------------------------------