
SS Blank

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Posted By SS Blank 09-25-2024 11:15
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Perfect...thanks! I was so close! I knew I had something setup slightly off! ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 09-24-2024 19:36
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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I need help linking a countdown Timer to either a "PAUSE" event or a designated time on the Scene Director timeline. So, the directors of the show can control when the countdown timer starts. I've tried the VL below.....but it's not working. :( Any ideas? ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL ...
Posted By SS Blank 08-28-2024 15:02
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PERFECT! This answered all my questions and MORE!!! Thanks for the tips! :) ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 08-27-2024 12:40
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Hi All- Is there anyway to access a Data Source/Static Text Column in Visual Logic (for example the Hex Code Column below). I'd like producers to be able to select a color (RED, BLUE or GRAY) and then the HEX CODE will change the Diffuse color. I can't seem to find a way to directly access the "column" ...
Posted By SS Blank 02-21-2024 16:11
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Also, how do you delete and item you've created with the "Create Take Item" button in Dashboard? ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 02-21-2024 16:10
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I was just introduced to the Xpression Dashboard API to control Sequencer (Dashboard 9.5.3 & XPN v10.0 build 5272). I love it, but I'm having some issues with it. The main question is how do you save your column preferences? After I've turned columns I don't want to see off, they re-appear when I play ...
Posted By SS Blank 02-20-2024 09:53
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Xpression Version 10.0 build 5272
Posted By SS Blank 02-17-2024 13:19
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Hi - Is there a way to connect Dashboard to the Remote Sequencer? Similar to how Dashboard can control the Sequencer in Xpression Studio. If so, how do you connect that? ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 01-22-2024 11:11
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Thanks! I ended up reworking a script I found and this worked!
Posted By SS Blank 01-17-2024 11:26
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Hi Ross Community- We need some help linking the end point of a Line to another object, so our producers can control the end point location on the map. See screen shot below. Has anyone done something like this that they could help us with a script? ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ...
Posted By SS Blank 01-16-2024 18:18
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Can you post this again? I'm trying to do the same thing and can't find a script to do it. ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 06-25-2021 18:51
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Hello....I'm new to Dashboard and I understand how to Datalinq info so it updates live when it changes in Dashboard. But, I'd like the updates to trigger a Scene Director animation in Xpression and then update the info. For example I'm working on a football score bug and I want and animation to happen ...
Posted By SS Blank 05-10-2021 12:06
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Is Xpression capable of 5.1 audio output? Using clips and videos from Streamline? If so, what do I need to setup on the box to get 5.1 Audio out of it? Is there anything that needs to be done on Incoder too? ------------------------------ SS Blank KSL TV5 ------------------------------
Posted By SS Blank 10-23-2018 16:53
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Yes, we are looking to overwrite. We are also running version 8. #XPression
Posted By SS Blank 10-22-2018 18:31
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Does anyone have suggestions on how I would write a script that would export my text fields into a .txt file from XPression?