
Sergii Syzykh

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Posted By Sergii Syzykh 04-03-2024 02:25
Found In Egroup: Camera Motion Systems
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Hello Tim. Thanks for the answer. I got an example of some commands (such as turning the power on and off, calling presets, pan-tilt), or rather, all the commands that are in the description for this camera from the manufacturer will work. As an example, when calling a presset - ogscript.sendUDP ...
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 03-25-2024 09:27
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hello. There is a Carbonite Ultra 60 device. In order for Carbonite Ultra 60 to send UMD TSL information to another device (for example, a multiviewer from another manufacturer), is it necessary to create a device in Carbonite Ultra 60? Or is this information constantly coming out? ------ ...
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 03-18-2024 12:23
Found In Egroup: Camera Motion Systems
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Hello Tim. Thanks for the answer. If I double-click REMOTE CONTROL - it requires a license. This is the menu that I sent the photo - SLot1 - right mouse button - OPEN. From this menu some commands work. ------------------------------ Sergii Syzykh VISIONHOUSE ------------------------------
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 03-18-2024 05:06
Found In Egroup: Camera Motion Systems
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Hello Tim. Thanks for the answer. There is one more question. I created a camera in DashBoard. When I open it, I see this menu (photo is attached). . I checked the functionality. The result is ...
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 03-08-2024 11:03
Found In Egroup: Camera Motion Systems
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Hello. There is a SONY BRC-H900 PTZ camera and BRBK-IP10 card. There is a need to manage the camera settings through the DashBoard. If I understand correctly, I can add the camera to the main tree, but a license is required for management. Is it possible to use the created CustomPanel without ...
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 11-02-2023 04:20
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hello. Still don't have this option? It's been 9 years already! ------------------------------ Sergii Syzykh VISIONHOUSE ------------------------------
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 11-02-2023 03:35
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hello. There is a need to synchronize the clock on the Multiviewer (Carbonite Black & Carbonite ULTRA). Is it possible to accept NTP on Carbonite Black or Carbonite ULTRA? ------------------------------ Sergii Syzykh VISIONHOUSE ------------------------------
Posted By Sergii Syzykh 02-27-2023 06:58
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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Hello. Carbonite Ultra has a ping when turned on, DashBoard does not see Carbonite Ultra, there is no signal at the outputs. Perhaps something with the firmware of the device. Is it possible to upgrade via USB by setting 4 DIPs to on and using the "UPGRADE" button? ----------- ...