
John Corigliano

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Posted By John Corigliano 10-03-2024 10:39
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Thanks. I didn't see that option. I will give it a try. ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 10-01-2024 09:25
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Is there an option or API function to have an object face the camera when using a Perspective Camera? I have a bunch of quads that I want to always face the camera, no matter where it is. For example, the quads are moving around in a circle while at the same time the camera is moving randomly about in ...
Posted By John Corigliano 03-29-2023 08:01
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Is it possible to set the scripting code of an object through the API? For example, set the OnSetText script code externally? ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 03-07-2023 07:37
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async/await does not handle errors. It just lets your program to do stuff in the background, allowing the main program to keep going. It's probably not even necessary here since writing to a file should not take much time. If you want to handle errors, you need use exception handling. try ( Fi ...
Posted By John Corigliano 03-03-2023 10:26
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We've been using this method for a few years now - except we write JSON files, not XML, but the principal is the same. We write to these files as often as once every 10 seconds (occasionally faster) and collisions with Datalinq reading the file as we are writing them are rare. In the event of a collision, ...
Posted By John Corigliano 02-28-2023 08:32
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There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the code. The problem lies elsewhere. Possibly the project is reloaded or the scene was deleted invalidating your Scene object. FWIW, this snippet works fine for me (Xpression Developer v10.0). private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) ...
Posted By John Corigliano 12-12-2022 10:45
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Since the type of the array is Object, you need to cast to double before calling ToString. Change those 2 lines to: percent.Text = CDbl(data(i - 1)(1)).ToString("N1") & "%" percentch.Text = CDbl(data(i - 1)(2)).ToString("N1") & "%"​ ​ ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior ...
Posted By John Corigliano 12-06-2022 13:22
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Things get trickier when sorting data with multiple fields. I would put the data in an array of 3 items. Then put those arrays into a List. You will need to create a custom sorter function. Since Xpression doesn't seem to support Linq or lambda expressions, put this in your global script: Function ...
Posted By John Corigliano 11-21-2022 10:20
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Thanks. Works great except I had to add the protocol: var files ="file:/D:/Clients/UserGraphics", null).split('\n'); ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 11-18-2022 09:41
Found In Egroup: Facility Control
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Is it possible to have Dashboard read a list of files from a folder? For example, we give the clients a folder then can add their homemade graphics to and then let them choose a graphic to put on air (Xpression) from Dashboard. We currently have a work around using custom software that watches a folder ...
Posted By John Corigliano 11-11-2022 08:55
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I'm a little confused right now about what you are trying to do, but here's what I think you want... The biggest question is about the data source. I think it is a JSON file. As far as I know you can't sort JSON data through the DataLinq Server (anyone?). So you will need to create 15 hidden text ...
Posted By John Corigliano 11-08-2022 06:34
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In the first message you said scripting but now you are asking about Visual Logic. Which is it? What is the data source? Maybe you can sort it in the DataLinq Server if using SQL. Also, for the debug monitor, check that it is enabled in the Preferences under Advanced-Enable debug monitor for scripting. ...
Posted By John Corigliano 11-07-2022 09:55
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Looks like it is sorting alphabetically instead of numerically. You can convert the strings to numbers before sorting. Also, as you have figured out, if your culture uses ',' instead of '.' for decimals you have to either replace the '.' with ',' or use a different culture. Demo: ' Create test array ...
Posted By John Corigliano 09-30-2022 12:41
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FYI, NOAA has an RSS feed that you will find easier to navigate. Instead of lat/long it uses the weather station id: However, I have noticed the RSS feeds tends to lag behind then main web page. Personally, I prefer (*Click ...
Posted By John Corigliano 09-30-2022 08:55
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It says "Each data transmission should be terminated with a NULL character." Make sure your API is adding this, else Datalinq Server won't process the data. ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 06-06-2022 08:49
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Can you sort/filter the incoming data? Something like SELECT * FROM election_table WHERE party='R' ORDER BY votes DESC ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 04-26-2022 10:26
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Another possible work-around is to create a single, hidden text object with DataLinq enabled. Then create as many copies of that as needed, modifying the Datalinq fields as needed. Dim txtOrig As xpTextObject ' Make sure controlText has Datalinq enabled Scene.GetObjectByName("controlText", txtOrig) ...
Posted By John Corigliano 01-31-2022 12:47
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In scripting/API, is there a way to read the alignment on a tab? The API has But nothing to read the alignment of an existing tab? Something like text.GetTabAlign(0) -> TabAlignment.ta_Center. ------------------------------ JohnCorigliano Senior Software Engineer ISC ---------------------- ...
Posted By John Corigliano 01-26-2022 08:45
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Some fonts support Unicode superscript with no extra work: 1ˢᵗ 2ⁿᵈ 3ʳᵈ 4ᵗʰ Ex: Calibri ------------------------------ JOHN ------------------------------
Posted By John Corigliano 12-23-2021 09:52
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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This works to load the assembly manually. Note, I could only get it to work with the .NET 2.0 version. Tested with Xpression Developer 10.0 Try Dim jsonLib As System.Reflection.Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(" \Newtonsoft\Bin\net20\Newtonsoft.Json.dll") Dim jtype = jsonLib.G ...