
Malcolm Thorpe

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Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-21-2024 18:08
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Simple, I like it. I will forward to the operator/friend. Thanks Azaroth ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-21-2024 01:18
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Could you us it as the source of a mask? You could apply it to a mask layer and it would "cut the hole" for your credit roll.Following this one ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-20-2024 17:47
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Asking for a friend: Is there a way to add a second camera to a scene and use it for the preview frame? A fellow operator has player stat bugs and wants to enlarge them in the preview frame so that he can double check stats. I have tried doing it using render view in a layer object set to render in preview ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-20-2024 13:22
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Apply the mask material to a quad. Default anchor is in the very center. Scale up to cover entire scene. Set x scale to zero and keyframe. Then advance your time to let's say 30 frames. Set X scale to max scale and keyframe. Mask will now squeeze out from center to both edges. Play with interpretation ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-19-2024 12:04
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Hi Michele, Two ways come to mind. Two masks, one for each of the "curtains". You could animate them easily on the X axis, or set the anchor point on the outer edge if you want to scale them instead. Second would be a mask the same size as the display. Anchor point in the center, and animate on the ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-17-2024 17:28
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Short answer: Yes, otherwise I would need more info. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 05-17-2024 10:28
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I gave this a shot. I made a mask for each "county", a quad to hold red, a quad to hold blue, and a quad to hold gray.. Also red, blue & gray materials. The red, blue, gray and mask are applied to quads inside a layer object along with a text object with gray being the base layer. I set the text object ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 03-02-2024 00:39
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To the far right is a tab called "Template Links" In this tab you can order the published elements however you like. Just select the one you want to move and click on the up or down arrows. Cheers. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 02-14-2024 17:19
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The easiest way to do this would be using "dynamic materials". There are a few things you would have to do first, but basically you would link a hidden text field to the material you wanted, and use that to set the material. Let me know if you want to go down that road. ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 02-10-2024 22:24
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It looks like it's called "Enterprise Control" now. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 01-06-2024 11:55
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Nice work. Visual Basic is a handy tool to have in your toolbox. I'm glad you gave it a shot. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 01-06-2024 11:46
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you would put this script on the text field in your scene that is linked to your data. No variables needed. It looks at the text and finds any commas, then uses that to split the string and flip the order. If there are no commas, it just passes the name through. It's pretty slick. Be sure to compile ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 01-06-2024 11:39
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The script is only 5 lines of code if you want to try it. if InStr(text, ",") > 0 then text = split(text, ",")(1) & " " & split(text, ",")(0) else text = text end if ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD --------------- ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 12-30-2023 15:18
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Excellent news. Go Cougars......Unless the U is playing. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 12-30-2023 15:09
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OK, this one works. But the script has to be on the text field accepting the data if InStr(text, ",") > 0 then text = split(text, ",")(0) else text = text end if ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD --------------------- ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 12-30-2023 15:05
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ok, never mind. I will play around a bit and send you a better script. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 12-30-2023 00:31
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This is the base script I use when I want to manipulate names with commas. This one flips first and last names. But I think that if you delete the bold portion of the script and replace the 1 with 0 (zero) it SHOULD just display the text that appears before the comma. I'm not at my Xpression so I can't ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 12-26-2023 11:32
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This is a perfect scenario to use Dashboard. It can change the score, play the sounds with a single click on the dashboard. I know this isn't the answer to your question, but it's a way to get it done simply. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe xpression design Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite ...
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 10-16-2023 12:40
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This is epic. It makes my work so much easier. Thank you. ------------------------------ Malcolm Thorpe Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD ------------------------------
Posted By Malcolm Thorpe 10-08-2023 13:06
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Working with two different continuous animations at the same time can be frustrating. I suppose another way is to have a dedicated scene director that only controls the fade up, movement left to right, and then the fade out. Add to that a jump to a specific frame and it might do what you want. I'm not ...