
Rob van Rooyen

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Posted By Rob van Rooyen 04-25-2024 09:40
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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There are two ways to make a Virtual Output fullscreen. When you create one, there is the option to check the "FullScreen" tickbox: When you already have a Virtual Output, you can right-click in it to make it fullscreen: ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 03-26-2024 08:42
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XPression is taking a lot of time before going on air if the Excelfile is still open. I do presume the info for your datalinq is coming from an Excel file. So be sure to close the file before going on air... ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 03-26-2024 08:38
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I've noticed quite a delay within XPression when the Excel file (I presume this is where your info is coming from) is still open. So be sure to have the file closed when on air. Then there is the option to prepare/cue a scene by pressing the "." (dot) on the numerical keypad. Perhaps this solves your ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 02-24-2024 06:03
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Check out this download option for Microsoft database providers: ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 02-06-2024 06:48
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This native option works on the local preview but (as far as I know) not on the hardware preview render output. Here's a script that gives the operator in the sequencer the option to choose a preview frame on the hardware preview output: The above script goes in the "OnPreviewRender" section as ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 02-01-2024 04:18
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You should search for "counting" down. You will find the B144 lesson :-). ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 01-30-2024 10:21
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Does anyone has a suggestion on this? ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 01-04-2024 07:11
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When I set the regional settings of my computer to "English (Netherlands)", the Measurement system goes to the "Metric". That lead to flip/flop the decimal and digit grouping symbol. But that seams to lead to problems in calculation within the Visual Logic of XP. In the XPression Preference settings ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 10-24-2023 12:21
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Well, I'm generating some confusion here :-(. Going up and down the data fields is done by the ctrl-page up and ctrl-page down as you can read in the help file. Sorry! ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands -------- ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 10-24-2023 12:18
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oeps... so, NOT the ctrl-page-up/down keys but the ctrl-up or the ctrl-down arrows! ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 10-24-2023 12:14
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An other way is to use ctrl-page down or ctrl-up/down arrow to rotate through templated items. Than you still can use a tab inside a text object to indent... You can find in de Help file all the options :-) ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 09-12-2023 16:29
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Any news on this? ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 09-12-2023 14:27
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I am able to insert a Lookup macro to the "normal" DataLinq option within XPression. And I choose to link between published items and not-published items. I can even choose a column in the requested item (as you can see on the "Table" line ('@HomeTeamName.EXCELSHEET@$') in photo 1). And now ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 09-12-2023 14:05
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We've got a licence renewal every end of the year (if my company pays for it naturally ;-)). But we never get any notification from Ross if there is a new release version. Only when our support contact Ross, we're told there is, or there is not a new release. This bugs me so now and then. I want to be ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 09-12-2023 07:07
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How do I know if there is a new release version of XPression? ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 08-11-2023 06:53
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Thanks! I'm not a big fan of scripting (just don't have the knowledge), but this is something I can work with :-). ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------------------------------
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 08-11-2023 06:51
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So, anything I've put in the "Projects Shortcuts" can't be recalled in a new project? That's a pity and I hope the project team can work something out to make it work... ------------------------------ Rob van Rooyen Senior Graphics Specialis NEP The Netherlands Hilversum Netherlands ------ ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 08-10-2023 06:28
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I can save a keyboard mapping, but when I recall one in a different project, nothing happens. At least, I can't see the specific keyboard shortcuts I've made in the other project which I also want to use in the new project... I'm wondering about the use of being able to save the mapping? - ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 08-10-2023 06:23
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Is there somewhere an explanation to be found on all the options one could apply to the different DataLinq fields? There are single quotes, smaler than signs, greater than signs, dollar signs, at signs, percentage signs (any more?). But as far as I know (and yes, I've searched the helpfile) ...
Posted By Rob van Rooyen 08-10-2023 06:18
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Is there a way to make the source of the DataLinq flexibel? I've got two competitions with info of the participating teams stored as sheets in two separate Excel files (Eredivisie.xlsx and KKD.xlsx). Right now, I've got two exact the same XPression scenes that only differ in the source ...