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Posted By Paul 08-26-2024 18:05
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Could use a widget counter to control what is the current question, and that would remain through switching between various take items, until you increment the widget to go to the next question (could also map a "GPI shortcut" keyboard hotkey to make that increment simpler during a fast-paced game). ...
Posted By Paul 08-22-2024 15:42
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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The layer names are missing the _ underscore i.e. OutText_1 to match what is in the script. ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 07-30-2024 21:18
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Guessing you're keyframing the alpha of the group of items that contains the masked mov and possibly text etc…? What happens is the mask is also affected by that group alpha and at less than 100% opacity/alpha lets some of that mov bleed through. So the simplest solution may be to keyframe ...
Posted By Paul 07-20-2024 21:36
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Bit hard to see from here but any chance the "format" text object is set to PNG. ? The dot should be on the left, like .PNG Otherwise you have the "generic" subfolder created and the png files for the logo and the colours are named appropriately etc? Is the debug monitor active (must ...
Posted By Paul 07-20-2024 14:52
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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In the layout screenshot the text object is named "H CLUBCODE" but that value never gets passed down to the other script bits because of a typo: self.GetObjectByName("H CLUBDODE", code) Syntax is otherwise fine so it compiles without error. Sometimes it's the little things… ---------- ...
Posted By Paul 06-26-2024 23:02
Found In Egroup: Production Switchers
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On the physical control panel you can pause a transition if you hit auto-trans again during the transition (this behaviour goes as far back as the analog 210/216 series). Maybe your Companion setup is sending the command twice within that transition duration window? ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Paul 05-20-2024 21:32
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Easiest might be to do it when importing in the Coder app? Set the alpha source to be the same as the fill, since it's white over black and then output as a 32bit avi? ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 05-20-2024 21:23
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Found it was about 10 frames off (doing a temporary full-screen info channel over video that would squeeze in-out). A standalone audio effects processor could add the matching amount of delay, or if in a control room most modern/digital audio mixers can add the delay as well. If the effect shot ...
Posted By Paul 04-20-2024 01:25
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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If you haven't already, could you try, in the Scene Manager, to turn off that logo object (the "eyeball") ? That way it only is made visible once, when the script (or your previous visual logic) runs. ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 03-26-2024 02:11
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Just a thought: if you look at the actual text content, any chance you have upper-lower case characters and some words have descenders but others don't? i.e. Chicago, Los Angeles have descenders but Miami and Boston don't ? See if they are consistent in their positioning error? If you type everything ...
Posted By Paul 03-07-2024 16:52
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Maybe only a partial solution but on the Excel side of things using CTRL-SHIFT-V will paste text only and leave out some of the troublesome formatting data that may have also copied from the source document. If using menu/right-click use Paste Special rather than Paste. ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Paul 03-07-2024 16:29
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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In both screenshots the "enabled" checkbox at the bottom appears empty… ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 10-05-2023 23:39
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Sounds like a job for continuous animation. Skip ahead to 19 minutes for an example of a flare/glow animating over a lower third. ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 08-12-2023 19:33
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Try this while you wait for a reply... In the query in the "table" field replace %Jersey% with @thenameofthedummytextobject@, using the name you used in your project ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------
Posted By Paul 06-29-2023 00:41
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Depending on what you're trying to achieve, a layer object will let you fade masked objects as you'd expect. But don't nest that layer object within a group or the vanishing mask problem reappears. And sadly layer objects only have alpha as a parameter, can't change position size etc. --------- ...
Posted By Paul 06-28-2023 03:34
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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Absolutely. You can set the alpha of a group for the whole scene, or animate the alpha of a group (with keyframes in an animation controller), or control it with scripting or visual logic. Building scenes from the start with groups makes it easier to animate them that way, whether it's the alpha or the ...
Posted By Paul 05-20-2023 23:13
Found In Egroup: Graphics
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A PNG (with alpha) sequence for each item would be your safest bet. ------------------------------ Paul ------------------------------